Sunday, September 14, 2008

Diamond Magic

Diamonds were once believed to hold many magical, mystical and medicnal properties. The phospherescence of certain diamonds (their ability to glow in the dark) was considered a proof of the stone's extraordinary powers. Diamonds were thought to calm the mentally ill, and to ward off devils, phantoms and even nightmares. They were supposed to impart virtue, generosity and courage in battle, and to cause lawsuits to be determined in the wearer's favor. A house or garden touched at each corner with a diamond was supposed to be protected from lightning, storms and blight.

The ancient Indians beleived the the human soul could pass through various incarnations, animating gemstones as well as plants and animals. And Plato, the Greek philospher, shared the belief that gems were living beings, produced by a chemical reaction to vivifying astral spirits. Later philosphers divided precious stones into male and female specimens, and even claimed that they could "marry" and reproduce! Minerals were among the first medicinal ingrediants.

In the middle ages it was beleived that a damond could heal if the sick person took it bed and warmed it with his body, of breathed upon it while fasting or wore it next to the skin. A diamond held in the mouth would correct the bad habits of liars and scolds. Diamonds were worn as a talisman against poisoning. Diamond powder administered internally, however, was a legendary poison. The Turkish Sultan Bajazet (1447 - 1513) was perhaps murdered by his son, who slipped a large quantity of powdered diamond in his father's food. In l532, his doctors dosed Pope Clement VII with fourteen spoonfuls of pulverized gems, including diamond, which resulted in death for the patient, as well as a very high bill for his treatment. In the same century, Catherine de Medici was famous for dealing out death by diamond powder, and Benvenuto Cellini, the famous Italian goldsmith, described an attempt on his life by an enemy who ordered diamond powder to be mixed in his salad. But the lapidary resposible for grinding the diamond filched the stone, replacing it with powdered glass (thereby saving Cellini).

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